What an Exciting Day

Evidently I had a very exciting day on Monday, August 11, 2014.

I had been feeling dizzy since last Friday evening and on Saturday I began feeling jittery, my lips and eyes were swollen and the pain in my hips and wrist was almost unbearable.  On Sunday, I almost went to the emergency room at Hastings in Tahlequah (indian hospital), but talked myself out of it.  On Monday morning, my husband said "as soon as you get up and dressed we are going to Tahlequah, you kept me awake all night crying over your hips."

We drove to Tahlequah,  I threw up on the way there and again when I arrived.  I went to the medical clinic to check in to see my doctor.  Her nurse advised me that Dr. Newton does not come in until 1pm on Mondays and she walked me over to the urgent care clinic.  The doctor came in, asked me a few questions and said she was going to give me a shot of Phenerghan for the nausea and another shot for pain.  She wanted to make sure I had had Phenerghan before and I advised her that my doctor used to give it to me for chronic migrains (so that I could sleep through the pain).  From here the excitement starts, 99% of which - I have no memory.

Here is what I remember:  The nurse gave me 2 shots, I left the office and went down the hall and turned in my prescription to the pharmacy window.  The next thing I remember is someone throwing ice at me and a bunch of people in my face.  The next thing I remember after that is opening my eyes and seeing my mom and Scott sitting across from me.  I vaguely remember being in the truck to come home.

This is what happened:  After turning in my prescription to the pharmacy window, I went and sat with my husband in the waiting room.  I texted my mom that I was in Tahlequah and had been given Phenerghan and a pain shot and I was very sleepy and asked her to call Scott.  She did not know he was with me and jumped in her car to come and get me.    From there I am told that I slept, draped across Scott in the waiting room for an hour and a half.  He asked a nurse to help him put me in a wheel chair and take me to the car.  The nurse was loading me in the car when my mom walked up and said she didn't understand why they were letting me leave in that condition (I was completely unconscious).  My mom made Scott wait with me in the truck while she went to the medical clinic to sign me in to see my doctor.

While my mom was over at the medical clinic, the nurse that had put me in the truck came out and told Scott that they had given me Nubain and it was a heavy narcotic and that I was having a reaction and he put me back in a wheel chair and rushed me into the emergency room.  The nurses and doctors were asking my family if I was on any other drugs and they ran blood work to see if I was positive for amphetamines, barbituates, opioids, cocaine, pot all of which came back negative.  Ha!  My family already told you that I don't do drugs!  Turns out I was having a bad reaction to an overdose of Nubain!

After two bags of IV fluids and some sort of medicine to reverse the Nubain and a catheter, a nurse dressed me and wheeled me back out to my truck to send me home.  I passed out and my legs would not work.  Back into the hospital I went.

I am told that it took 3 tries to get me out to the truck to go home.  My mom says that she doesn't think anyone was actually throwing ice me, but that she wasn't in the room.  She did say that the first bag of iv fluid was cold and they had ice packs around my head, so maybe that is why I thought they were throwing ice at me.  She also said that there were people in my face, they were trying to get me to respond to them and I couldn't.  

It is very scarey to know that I was overdosed in the hospital and that they were just going to let Scott take me home like that.

I have tried to make my follow up appointment (as directed by the e.r. doctor) and now the clinic says that Dr. Newton is not my primary physician that she was only seeing me until I could get a primary care doctor.  They say I will have to do my follow up in the urgent care clinic.

HELLO?!?!?  No way! They almost killed me!

Now what?  I am so upset, but all I can do is know that God's got this and I am going to be ok.