Step Out in Gratitude

My devotional today was awesome!  As soon as I read it, I began to SPEAK out loud all that I am grateful for!  And you know what?  It made me sooo happy!  And I had an awesome day!  Matter of fact I was blessed with being one step closer to getting my referral to the rheumatologist!  How's THAT for blessings for a grateful heart! 

So, I can't think of any other way to show my gratitude than to share my devotional with all of you!  Here it is:


"Give thanks to the Lord,"  Psalm 105:1

Thank you, Lord, for carrying me through this day.  Thank you Lord, for strengthening me beyond my circumstances today.  I prais you, Lord, for Your healing hands surrounding my heart.  Thank you, Lord, for quieting my anxious thoughts.  I praise you, Lord, that You work all things together for my good.  Thank you, Lord, for protecting the innocence of my children.  I praise you, Lord, that You never allow me to take a single step withouth Your guidance.  Thank you, Lord, that You are Lord over all my relationships.  Thank you, Lord, for being Lord over every area of my  life.

One morning during my quiet time, I changed my whiny petitions into confident statements of gratitude.  Although at the time my situation felt overwhelming, I decided to be hopeful and thankful instead of discouraged and fearful.  It was a step of faith that got me going in the right direction.  My prayer life was permanently altered that day as I learned the power of praise.


(Strength for the Climb:  Kristin Armstrong p. 174)

Is that fabulous or what?!?!?  I am amazed that she gathered the spirit of gratitude from that ONE little scripture.  I frequently read my Bible and get so much out of either a short scripture or even from one that I have read over and over and then one day, it just hits me - what it REALLY means and I NEVER saw it before!

I am determined to change my mindset to be more grateful and faithful and I am pretty sure I found the prescription that I was looking for! Thank you, Lord, for helping me pick out the devotional that had this excerpt.