Just a Quick Thought

"Cause me to hear your loving kindness in the morning.  For in you do I trust; cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to you."  Psalm 143:8

I can't say that I have ever paid much attention to this passage of scripture, but now that I have seen it - I won't forget it.  I have heard many preachers, pastors, and teachers say, "wake up everyday and thank God for His blessings, name the things you are grateful for."  While this is wonderful advice and also a great way to start the day; I believe that asking to HEAR from the Lord, is even BETTER!

Asking God to tell you He loves you.  Asking Him to show you His kindness.  Giving your soul (will) over to Him first thing in the morning and trusting Him to guide your steps.  Wow!  Imagine if just half the people you knew would do this - how much better would this world be?!?!?  Instead of running off a list of "things" and "stuff" that God has done for you, start the day by asking Him to just love you and then trusting Him to show you His kindness by guiding your steps, thoughts and emotions.

I know me.  The truth is, I have a constant battle within me to watch my mouth and keep a check on my attitude.  Quite frankly, I suffer from frequent, angry outbursts.  Most of the time, it isn't pretty.  I hurt people, I hurt myself, and I hurt my walk.  The last thing I ever want to do is hurt people.  I love people.  People are my people.  

I don't believe in New Years resolutions because they don't usually "stick" and/or they get boring.  But, I believe this is one thing I can do and look forward to each morning.  I already start each day by reading a daily scripture and then devotions.  Why not add asking Him to cause me to hear His loving kindness and surrendering my will over to His?