Just a little Thank You

I have been thinking alot lately.  About how much my parents do for me and how much they take care of me.  I don't know what I would do without them.  My mom knows the minute that she looks at me, if I am having a good day.  Sometimes she can tell over the phone!  Amazing!  

She runs me up and down the highway to all my doctor appointments.  She sits all night with me in the E.R. (even if she has only had an hour of sleep).  She knows I am terrified to stay in the hospital alone and she will stay with me until I am released to go home.  She comes in and rubs my hair and looks in my eyes to see if I am ok.  She answers my calls day or night.

If I can't finish a pet sit, my Dad is off and running to take care of all the fur buddies for me.  He rubs my shoulders, calves and feet when I am having muscle spasms and cramps.  He just sits with me anytime I need him to.

These are amazing people with health problems of their own!  I should be taking care of them.  They  never say a word of complaint when they have to cancel plans to take care of me.  I say all of this because I appreciate and love them with all of my heart and I never want them to feel taken for granted.

I also have tremendous respect, appreciation, admiration and love for my brother - I know there are times that he "needs" our parents too, and I feel like I take all their attention.  I know that he is dealing with things, but he is always so good about texting, just to check on me.  

I am so humbled by my family and I just want the world to know how much they all mean to me!

Thank you!  I hope that I am always able and available to my girls as you have all been to me.  I promise to pay it forward.

"a person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes, while everyone else still believes the smile on your face."