I feel FABULOUS!!!! Whoo-hoo!

I am so excited and I don't even know where to begin, so much has happened in the last week!  Please accept my apology because I am sure this post is going to jump all over the place.

First things first:  Thank you to my Heavenly Father, who hears my prayers.

I went to my thyroid ultrasound and Dr. appointments on June 23rd.  My thyroid ultrasound came back ok, they can't say normal because I do have a goiter, that I have had since I was 12.  Thank you, Jesus!

My Dr. went over all of my previous labs with me - most of which was within normal ranges.  My leg x-ray came back normal, she said that if I did have MRSA inside of it - that they would have seen nodules or evidence on the outside of the bone.   Whew!  She was concerned that may be it is my sciatic nerve and has ordered a CT scan.  She wants an MRI, but that is a whole other can of worms, relating to my lack of insurance, inability to qualify for Obama care and the Indian hospital tying her hands.  She put in another referral for me to see a rhuemetologist (don't know how you spell it) , hopefully they will work me in soon.  

I had had active MRSA on my elbow, arm, neck and stomach, so I went to the e.r. on June 8th and was given antibiotics and bactraban.  My Doctor advised me that I need to keep my nails short, wash with antimicrobial soap, put the bactraban in my nose and stop shaving my bikini line - until I stop having break outs.  I wonder - why haven't the e.r. docs ever told me this

Anyway, because she is so limited in the type of testing she can do, she thinks that I have "pre"Lupus - she said "that doesn't mean that a rhuematologist wouldn't diagnose you tomorrow.  Or that you won't have every positive test 5 years from now." Whatever....Great!  I get so tired of starting over all the time. 2 doctors, a physician assistant and a nurse practitioner have all said I have it.  I don't want it, sooo maybe I don't have lupus....then, what do I have?  and what is the cure?  I am not going to wait another 5 years to just get sicker.  Oh well, God's hands, right?

So, to round up the appointment:  She kept all my meds the same and added compression stockings for my puffer fish legs and put me on a round of prednisone.  Oh, so SCAREY!  I have worked really hard to lose 44.2 pounds this past year and I do NOT want to gain it back!  I still have 100 more to go!  It will be ok, I will just be VERY careful.   I want to take them because they helped last time.  And the last time I was on them, I lost weight and blew my doctor's mind!  I can do it again!  

I had an appointment on June 26th with the Oral Surgeon to have the growth removed from my mouth and, guess what?!?  My MRSA became active AGAIN!  Needless to say, I have to reschedule my appointment.  I called Dr. Newton for another round of antibiotics and bactraban - I also told the nurse to let Dr. Newton know that she jinxed me with that bikini line comment, because now it is on my butt! (ok, TMI, but that is the most painful one so far!)

I had to give you the lowdown in order to get to the EXCITING, SUPER ECSTATIC PART!!!!!!

I have had minimal swelling and ZERO pain for 4 days now!  I promise, if I knew how; I would go outside and do a back flip!!!  My toes don't look like sausages.  I never thought I would say this, but "I am so thrilled to see my long monkey toes." I can see my ankle bone on my left foot and I can see the bones on the top of my feet.  When I push on my shin, there is no pitting.  I went grocery shopping yesterday and didn't think about how bad walking hurts, BECAUSE IT DIDN'T!  I came home and pulled everything out of my kitchen cabinets and cleaned the shelves and cleaned out my refrigerator!  I haven't fallen asleep mid-sentence since last Saturday.  Whoopee!

Last night I had a couple of muscle cramps, but I was able to work them out without waking anyone else up to help me.  AND - I found out that I didn't stop breathing, one, single time during the night!  Maybe my sleep apnea really is caused by the goiter and the steroids have caused that swelling to go down too!   

If I could feel like this again, all the time - I could go back to work!  Praying, hoping and crossing my fingers.  Even if it doesn't last - God is good and he is still on the throne.