I did it! I survived an 11 hour class on Monday and 9 hours yesterday! (not including the prerequisite classes I had to take)  And I am  now a Doula!!!  Yay me!

I am pretty tired and mentally drained, but I did it!  My head is swimming and at this moment - I couldn't tell you much of what I learned.  But it is in there - I just have to wait until I am not so drained, so that I can KNOW what I learned. 

I really wanted to become a Doula - had I known it was a real job, I would have done it years ago.  I have wanted to go back to school for a very long time.  Tossing around a Native American History degree with Paralegal, so that I could go to work for my tribe.  It is still an interesting topic for me, but it just never felt "right."  And nothing else appealed to me either.  Then I found out about Doulas and it was like "This Is IT!  This is IT!!!"  And everything just kept falling into place - the money to pay for the classes (thank you to my fairy god-mothers), the scheduling, the fact that I haven't been flaring.  I believe it was a God thing and can't be convinced otherwise. I have been so very excited and could hardly wait for the classes to start. 

 Once I signed up for the classes, I started having doubts - I wondered "what about the days that I have to use a walker, how in the world can I help a woman in labor?"  Or, "what about the days that I just can't think straight, how can I help a woman in labor?" I had so many doubts and concerns roaming around in my head.  But I was determined to at least get through all the classes.  I was soooo thrilled when I walked into that first class and saw that the teacher, who is also a Doula - was in a WHEEL CHAIR!!!

Halelujah! Praise the Lord!  If she can do it from a wheel chair - I CAN DO IT WITH A WALKER!!!

I am so happy!  I cannot wait to start my new journey! Bring on the pregnant mommies!

Do not ever doubt yourself - if it is your calling, God will make a way for you to do it!