Claim Your Blessing or Just Survive

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you."  Isaiah 60:1

This is the craziest set of diseases that I have heard of or felt.  New symptom - Now, I don't hardly sleep at all.  And I am still so tired!  One extreme to the other:  sleeping all the time and tired all the time or hardly sleeping at all and tired all the time.  What happened to the happy medium???

I go to bed because my body needs the rest, but my brain won't shut down and so I don't get sleep...when I finally drift off into slumber, it is short lived and I find myself WIDE AWAKE.  I turn on the radio, but the voices on the songs keep me awake, I change the channel to classical and my imagination kicks in.  I turn off the radio and listen to the silence.  I turn on the t.v., but the light on the screen keeps me awake.  I pray - and I find a million things to pray about.  I think about reading my Bible, but I have to turn on the light, so then I fall asleep reading and the light wakes me up.  So, I pet the dog.  I talk to God in my head and then I toss and turn.  Somewhere around 4 a.m. I finally fall into that deep sleep that I have chased all night.  6 a.m. - the dog starts nudging me to go outside.  Aaargh!

My hips have started to throb again - but I am getting pretty used to that.  I find myself being overly snappy - is it because I am tired?  because I am stressed?  because I hurt?  Or just all of the above?

I have been dealing with an awful lot of personal issues, but I thank God that He has shown me how strong I truly am.  I was trying to "just survive" before.  You know what?  That is NOT what God wants me or any of us to do!  God made me a promise and I intend to go after it with everything I have in me!  

I will ask myself everyday "what can I do today to avoid survival mode and stay in BLESSED mode?"

So - I ask you:  What can you do to stop just getting by and move toward the blessings that our Lord and Savior has promised you?