Another Bump in the Road

I went to the indian hospital this morning to get my labs done (so that my doctor at OU will have them for my appointment July 7), I also needed a refill on my Lyrica and the cream I put on the lupus rash on the sole of my foot.  (all my other prescriptions come in the mail).  My mom and I went to Tahlequah last night and stayed in a motel, so that she could be at the dentist first thing this morning.  So, we get to the hospital, she goes down to dental and I head over to the lab.

The lab tells me that my orders have expired and that I need to go and speak with Dr. Newton's nurse.  So down the hall and across the building I go.  I wait about 1/2 hour for the nurse to put in the order.  So back across the building and down the hall I go, back to the lab.  Get my labs done, pronto.  Go downstairs to wait in the dental clinic for mom.  She gets done pretty quick and upstairs we go to pick up my prescriptions.  The pharmacist calls me back and says that my prescriptions have expired and that I will need to go talk to Dr. Newton's nurse - so back down the hall I go.

Lucky me!  Robin (her nurse is standing at the front desk), I tell her what I need and she says, "Dr. Newton is gone all week, and you haven't been assigned a PCP yet.  I can't do anything today."  I explain for about the millionth time that I do not live in Tahlequah and can't just turn around and run up there for my prescription that they won't mail.  She says, "well, ALL your prescriptions have been cancelled, Dr. Newton won't be seeing you anymore until you get a PCP.  You can go to the urgent care clinic and maybe they will give you your medicine."  I told her, "no way!  I won't go back to urgent care.  Thank you though." and I left.

Man!  I couldn't get out of there fast enough!  Go to the urgent care, she says...HA!  I will NOT!  Last time I went to that place, they nearly killed me and tried to send me home unconscious and non-responsive.  Hello?  Forget it!  I do not trust the urgent care AT ALL! 

So, now I just hope that my lab work get forwarded to my OU doctor by the 7th.  Before the indian hospital decides they can't do that either.  I gotta get those results!  My referral to rheumatology depends on them!  I can figure out how to crap $300+ a month to pay for Lyrica and who knows how much for the foot cream.  I have already tried the road to get a rheumatology appointment without a referral - road is closed!

I am so frustrated and tired of fighting about my health care!  I just thank God that I am not in the middle of a major flare right this moment.  Wonder how long that will last without the Lyrica?

Rant over - thanks for reading