Empathy for a Friend

I have made a new facebook friend. I found her by reading her story on one of the lupus pages.  She is really inspiring and very comical.  She seems to deal with this disease the same way that I do - humor and faith.  I don't think I could get through a single day without them.

Even though I have not met her in person - I have grown to admire her (in a very short span of time).

Even though I knew that I wasn't the only person suffering with this disease, I felt very isolated because I didn't know anyone (personally) that has it.  I could read all kinds of quotes about "I smile on the ouside, but I am dying on the inside" or "I don't look sick and you don't look stupid" , etc.  Or dealing with friends and family that don't understand and get angry and frustrated because I am not able to be who I was, or think that I am exagerating my symptoms.  I am scared to mention new symptoms because people think I am a hypochondriac. 

The biggest kicks so far have come from someone that should love me unconditionally and, as a nurse should be most understanding and/or sympathetic.  I realize though that I don't need sympathy and I ABSOLUTELY don't want or need pity! (A little empathy would be nice) If someone chooses to be disrespectful, rude and downright vile regarding my disease - family or not, I must write them out of my life.  The stress makes me flare up and I want to live a long time!

All that being said, lets get back to my new friend - I don't feel so isolated anymore, but I am very sad. This disease sucks and I wouldn't wish it upon Satan, himself.  So my heart broke this morning when I saw her post on fb.  She isn't feeling well, she's tired of wearing the fake smile, she is praying for satan to get off her back, she is tired of being tired....I know EXACTLY how she feels and I just want her to not have lupus! 

So, friend I am praying for you. I am praying for us. I am praying for all the lupies near and far.